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Peace Buyer
Peace Buyer

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Age : 28
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MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 7:51 am

I was walking torward the trainstation hoping that Silence haddent left yet. "Hey Silence, SILENCE! you there?" I said as I walked closer to the trainstation. "What the Hell!!" I said as I noticed her unconsious on the ground, "what the hell happened here?"
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 10:48 am

"Silence? She wants to kill Tokyokit and all relations of Tokyokit. She tried to destroy the train station - do you see the charred bits? Yumi and Alexandra are trying to fix... AAAAAAAAH! ...the tracks, and I GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Just happen to have a load of bones broken so I can't stand up. Can I lie down again WAAAAAAAAAAAARH!" Kumori collapsed on the ground. Her arm began to bleed furiously.

[Uggggggh... what... fuuuuuuu! My head hurts..] Silence moaned, waking up too early. [Tsumi! Come here and help me up!]

Tsumi ran over and helped Silence to her feet. Silence managed to cast a wide range healing spell which caught Kumori. Kumori stood up and grabbed Silence, handcuffing her.

"You're not going to be killing people any more under the ground," Kumori said and the two vanished.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 6:27 pm

As Rayne left the shoe building the police pulled by. "You've been harrassing many businesses again Rayne, haven't you?" The one cop asked as he stepped out of the car.
"You should know me by now sir," Rayne retorted at him with a smirk. She ignored him now and began walking back towards town and away from the shoe store.
The cop went up behind Rayne, and handcuffed her, "Well you're going to come with us now. Or be in jail for theft and harrassment of citizens," He said as he handcuffed her other hand now too.
"Fine fine, you got me," she said and smirked as she got in the car with him.

(Can I do this or not allowed? Cuz I planning soething fun for me...)
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 7:44 pm

(It's allowed by my terms. Just no unnessisary violence or anything, damnit~)
Somewhere in town...

A girl woke up, looking for any sign of people rather than herself. She saw many people, and a naked man with his hair like a christmas tree. Many people, she saw, were yelling at him to put some damn clothes on.

"Wh-where am I, and who is THAT!?" The girl asked, pointing to the man without clothes. Only one person heard, and she stepped over to the girl.

"You're on The Internet. The reason why there are many mansions is because there are too damn many big sites on The Internet. Five miles downn is the second biggest mansion, The MPEF mansion. Wikipidia is the biggest, but it's a dern encyclopedia," The new girl, Elizebeth, stated calmly. Her hair started blowing in the breeze in slow motion, like those on Shampoo comercials.

"Oh my, I'm on The Internet? I should be on Earth, the next planet down! Anyway, I am Thalia. I do ask, what is you're name?" Thalia replied, attempting not to freak out.

"Oh, dear me, I'm Elizebeth, but you may call me Eliz."

Back at MPEF...

Moon sighed, clearing her throat. "It has come to my attention that mortals from earth have been coming and settling on The INternet. In my time, there are few Internetains. I was looking for brave souls whom would willingly help me find who is causing this and stop them. Are you two with me?" She asked, fear in her voice once again.

Fire and I both nodded and said, "I'm in!"
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Location : Hiding in the shadows, waiting to scare you

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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 8:10 pm

As the police drover through the town and towards the town jail, Rayne sat in the back listening to the passenger cop talk about this is her 5 time being put in as a warning. "Have someone come pick you up and then sign some papers," he said as he wrote a ticket.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know the ordeal." Rayne said as they pulled up at the jail.
. . .
After being inside, Rayne called from the pay phone, as the phone rang she hoped someone was home at MPEF.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 10:11 pm

Picking up the phone, I sighed. Rayne had either gone to jail again, or she was annoying the crap out of someone and I had to drive over to get her.

"Hello, Rayne. You in jail again or something, I believe?" I asked, looking at Phone Location map. Yep, she was deffinately at the jailhouse.

Fire sighed, and nodded. "I have seen only one Earth mortal in my time, but I bet there are about five or so here. How do we stop them exactly?" She asked, as if she were reluctent to join now. Her black hair started smoking, and a fire caught out at the tips.

Just in case, I drew a car, a car that could fit seven in there, on a small pice of paper. It came to life as a normal-sized bulletproof limozene. Of course, it would look like any normal Drango from afar, but up close it had six side-windows. Opening the trunk, there was a flip-up bench seat in the back. Darn, I thought, that's why my friend wanted a Drango.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 2:30 am

I decided I wanted to go out of town for a while, I was sick of all the fighting and desperately needed a holiday. I wanted to go to earth. I hadn't been for a while, and there were much more exciting places there. I'd already been to Delhi, Scotland and Australia; I wanted to go somewhere quiet and normal.

I made sure to bring Harlee (my new kitten :3), and I didn't bother telling anyone. I did however leave a sticky note on the fridge, and marked off on the calendar when I would be coming back. I'd packed a small satchel and fixed up my transfer pass so that I could travel between earth and the Internet without having to go through thousands of tests and scanners as well.

When I finally reached the Undernet bridge, I stopped and parked my motorbike and lifted the sleeping Harlee out of the caddy in the back before walking over to the officials and showing them my pass. I was ushered over to the gate, and in no time at all I was at the other side. I was on earth. I was free.

I breathed in the normal smelling air, and checked out at the toll gate, before heading to the train station. I payed for my fair and walked into the last carriage of the train bound for Tulsa, Oklahoma. Many young children left their parents side to come and pet Harlee and dangle pieces of string in front of her so as she would bat them away cutely with her paw. The train ride was long, and many of the passengers had fallen asleep, but I'd managed to stay awake by reading some Stephen King.

Then I saw him. The dead guy. Okay, I realized pretty quick that he wasn’t technically “dead.” He was undead. Or un-human. Whatever. Scientists said one thing, people said another, but the end result was the same. There was no mistaking what he was and even if I hadn’t felt the power and darkness that radiated from him, there was no frickin’ way I could miss his Mark, the sapphire-blue crescent moon on his forehead and the additional tattooing of entwining knot work that framed his equally blue eyes. He was a vampyre, and worse. He was a Tracker.

Well, crap! He stood there, staring deep into my eyes, I knew what would happen next. Only I could see him, and the reason terrified me. Then the vampyre spoke and his ceremonial words slicked across the space between us, dangerous and seductive, like blood mixed with melted chocolate.
“Alexis! Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!”
He lifted one long, white finger and pointed at me. As my forehead exploded in pain, Harlee yowled and jumped out of my lap. I sat up and coughed. I had a killer headache, and I rubbed at the spot right between my eyebrows. It stung as if a wasp had bit me and radiated pain down around my eyes, all the way across my cheekbones. I felt like I might puke.

Then I stopped. Oh fuck. This wasn't happening, it couldn't happen! I pulled out my ipod, and attempted to use the reflective surface as a mirror. When my hands stopped shaking uncontrollably, I focused my eyes on my forehead. I clamped down on the sick, painful feeling inside that threatened to make me burst into tears. My eyes dried instantly. I was good at hiding tears. I should be; I’d had fourteen years to get good at it.

I couldn't tell anyone, I'd probably never get to show my face at the pef mansion ever again. "They wouldn't abandon me...I love them all too much." I sobbed. Harlee padded across the table to me and meowed.
"I'm sorry H...I know...I snot really bad when I cry and it's not a good look...".
I brushed my fringe over my forehead, picked up the kitten, and hurried to the bathroom. I shut the door quietly and walked over to the sink. I put my cat and my bag on the ledge, took a deep breath, and in one motion lifted my head and brushed back my hair.

It was like staring into the face of a familiar stranger. You know, that person you see in a crowd and swear you know, but you really don’t? Now she was me—the familiar stranger.

She had my eyes. They were the same silvery color that could never decide whether it wanted to be blue or grey, but my eyes had never been that big and round. Or had they? She had my hair—long and wavy and almost as dark as my mama's had been before hers had begun to turn silver. The stranger had my low cheekbones, long, strong nose, and wide mouth—more features from my mama and her German ancestors. But my face had never been that white. I’d always been pale, much lighter skinned than anyone else in my family. But maybe it wasn’t that my skin was suddenly so white . . . maybe it just looked pale in comparison to the dark blue outline of the crescent moon that was perfectly positioned in the middle of my forehead. Or maybe it was the horrid fluorescent lighting. I hoped it was the lighting.

[Sorry it's so long guys...I was bored and I had nothing to do this afternoon but write oxo]

Last edited by Monkey_Puddles on Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 26
Location : Hiding in the shadows, waiting to scare you

MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 10:04 am

"How'd you know?" Rayne joked. "Can you come pick me up so I can get outa here?" She said into the phone.
A cop came to her and tapped her shoulder, "Hurry up with that call of yours Rayne," He said as he then turned back towards his desk.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:08 am

Hearing the stupid cop, I sighed. I had to hurry this dumb phone call up and quick. "I knew because you are alwayse there," I laughed, continuing, "Anyway, I will. A few of my riends will be coming with me, but otherwise it's just me, and tow other me's. I should probably head over there, but I'll see you there."

Moon looked down. "Someone is in jail, we need to go, yada yada yada..." she mumbled, as if she were reluctent to go.

Fire turned into her normal, fire form, and flew off of the chair, catching nothing on fire in her path except for pointless things. She mumbled something, and I pointed to the limo that Moon was driving. I grabbed a remote and pressed the purple button, opening a secret passage to the parking lot. Once Moon drove out of it, I closed it before anyone could notice. I brew an eagle, strong enough to carry two grown men, and it came to life quite fast.

"Hop on, Fire. I you can command, you know all of the commands, you will soon be that one girl with three powers, powers over fire, drawing to life, and shapeshifting into mythical creatures, I believe." I jumped on the back of the Eagle, and it held quite nicely.

Nodding, Fire got on the Eagle and said, "Eagle command five, fly to Moon Lightstar. Transformation into a cat afterwords." It was easy to control the eagle, much easyer than controling fire, because the eagle went at the word 'Fly'.

Once we were done flying, we both jumped off of the eagle and got into the car, both being in the back.It wasn't that I had a choice, because all of the other seats had turned into a small snack bar. If you thought of it, you wouls think we were in the middle of a mobile home too fancy for other ones. We started driving, and in that instant I knew that Moon knew the way to the jailhouse.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:24 am

Rayne hung the phone up and sat back down, her hands still cuffed and the cop writing in her file.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:46 am

"Hey, all this travellin', it's doin' mah head in, ain't there no place to stay?"

The screaming sandstorm of the Deadesert was beginning to bore the woman who was riding a horse. The other woman was walking, and she looked prim and proper, with her black hair perfectly straight and her suit looking perfect. She wore a t-shirt but one of those fancy black jacket-thingies and a black skirt. She wore black high-heels. The cowboyish woman spoke again.

"C'mon, Terra, I just know you wanna speak, s'all, now speak, s'all I ask of ya," the woman asked.

"Silence, Askiera. The more we speak the more energy we burn, and we need to conserve our energy, we are not even halfway through the Deadesert if my calculations are correct," 'Terra' snapped.

"But Terra.." Askiera sighed. She suddenly sat bolt upright and began looking nasty.

"Right then, if you don't want us to be slow, goodbye LOSER!" Askiera laughed and got her horse to gallop.

Terra took no shock in this, she merely pulled back her sleeve and checked her styler. She drew a quick symbol with it and in a moment's notice she had caught up to Askiera, her hands gripping Raikou's soft fur. Askiera saw this and growled. She jumped off her horse and her horse vanished, then Askiera produced a Poké Ball and tapped the button. Soon Askiera was catching up, holding onto her Dodrio for dear life.

"Askiera! I'm going up on Latias for an aerial view of where we are; keep Raikou running!" Terra yelled, projecting a difficult sign into the sky. Latis swept Terra away for a good aerial view. The MansionView was pretty close by, actually. Latias dipped and dropped Terra onto Raikou, just as they entered the MansionView. The Entrance Bots were busy, as usual, registering new people and checking for people it knew who were returning.

Terra let Raikou go back to its business and walked to the Entrance Bot. She flashed a pass in front of its eyes. The Entrance Bot merely asked,

"Would you like to sign into your AllNet account?"

Terra said, "Yes."

Then the robot turned to the amazingly high wall. It was built to stop people from breaking in. The entrance bot grabbed Terra and threw her into the air. Gusts of high-pressured and concentrated wind were thrown at her from the air blowing machines. Terra screamed as she fell over the other side and into the hands of an Exit Bot, that helped people exit. Askiera had to register for the entering of the View, so she took longer before she appeared behind Terra.

The MansionView was properly spread out before them. Terra walked to the huge gates of PEF, and using her mind, she undid every lock. She pulled open the gates and ran in. Askiera did some scouting around the main hall, until she saw the target. She motioned to Terra, and Silence walked out into the hall, rubbing her sore head. Although a majority of the pain was gone, it still stung and she needed to be checked for concussion or brain damage.

Terra ran forwards and the area around Silence exploded. Kumori was sent flying into the wall,as Kumori had to find all the medical equipment for Alexandra to use and had gone along with Silence. Silence sent ice crystals into Terra, but suddenly Silence fell to the ground, unconscious, as Askiera had sneaked up from behind and hit Silence. Kumori had her bones broken again, and she was managing to heal herself, but too slowly. Askeria threw Silence over her shoulder and headed to the gate.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" Kumori screamed for help,but then Terra used something so Kumori's last scream turned into a coughing up of blood.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 12:53 pm

I leaned with my cheek against the cold, glass window of the train, staring out at the glimpses of trees and buildings that passed. A second's glance and then no more. The sun was starting to set on earth, and the only thing keeping my hands busy so they wouldn't scratch my eyeballs out of my sockets was Harlee, who would meow if I stopped petting her. We eventually pulled into the station, and many of the trains staff had flooded through the aisles to wake up the passengers. I stood up dazed and tired and walked out onto the platform with Harlee skipping behind me. I stood there for a while, and heard the train pull away behind me, before clearing my throat and looking down at the ginger ball of fluff.

"So H...where to first? I'm dying for a coffee, I don't do daytime...well, not anymore." but she just meowed and trotted off. I groaned and followed her, dragging my legs. My head felt like it was going to explode, and my eyes felt like they were gunna pop outta their sockets at any moment. I didn't like the reason why. Even my cool Maui Jim's couldn't stop my eyes from prickling. I couldn't wait till it would start to get dark.

Eventually after following the kitten for a minute or two, we both came to a beautiful, Gothic, castle like building. I stared at the stone work of the walls through the iron gates, before Harlee complained in her grumpy cat voice.
"Beautiful isn't it...?"
I almost shat myself, I turned around to see a woman with long dark hair, warm green eyes, and dressed in a long black gown. She smiled and crossed a fist over her heart, and bowing slightly said "Merry meet, young one."

I returned the greeting, even though it was foreign to me, before she walked over to Harlee and scratched her head.
"It's strange for the Goddess to choose on so it's strange for such a young cat to pick someone from the Internet."
She stood up before looking at me.
I sighed "I know what I am now, but I can't possibly continue my life like this. I can't hide it from my friends...especially not-"
"Your consort. Yes, we know everything that has happened to you since your thirteenth birthday. He would have made quite a warrior, but sadly our Goddess has not chosen him. It will be hard to maintain a relationship with a human of such spiritual power."

I stood there staring at the woman. How dare she bring Amir into this! But when I realized what she had really meant, I turned away. No matter how hard I tried to hold it back, I began sobbing.
I wasn't human. I wasn't a real pef'ian anymore. I had begun the change.
I was a now Vampyre fledgling. Oh fuck.

Last edited by Monkey_Puddles on Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 1:46 pm

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" somebody yelled and raced out into the two people outside the gothic mansion. Flood leaped up and bashed into Alexis, pulling her away from the mansion.

The other person was an angel with a stern look on her face, fire in her eyes and a halo on her head.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 5:02 pm

Driving down the road, Moon stopped occasionally to get a small coffee, or to ask for directions, but we were soon there. All three of us got out, Moon being first and Fire being last. We each ran into the jailhouse, each of us taking a step into the shadows once we got in. Fire''s dress stopped flaming, Moon's mark on her arm stoped glowing, and I stopped clicking my pen in and out. When it looked like the police officer had finished writing something, I lundged out and grabbed his pen, growling.

"Did you bring her here?" I said, motioning towards Rayne.

Fire and Moon soon came out ad lit up once again, Fire's flames started, and Moon's cresent mark on her arm glowed. "Look sir, let her go, and I won't start a damn fire. Don't let her go, and something's going to get crispy," Fire smirked threateningly. "And if you're lucky, I won't wake up the mayor 'round here," She finished. I had thought there was something about her that wasn't a power, yet words she used. She was a swerer.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:40 pm

The cop looked at them feared a bit. "Harrassment of the town," he said in a trembling voice.

Rayne smirked and laughed at him as she stood up and walked to the side of the bars.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:06 pm

"I FLIPPIN SAID LET HER OUT!" Both Fire and I said at once, right adter the officer spoke. A ball of flames errupted from Fire's palm, and I clicked my pen one last time and grabbed a random paper that had been laying around.

Seeing it was a good time to try her lock-picking skills, Moon scooted away from Fire and I, and started to slowly and silently pick Rayne's lock. "If you haven't noticed..." Moon wispered, "I'm Moon, that gal with the fire in her hands is Fire," She finished, fully breaking the lock.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 12:58 am

"HOLY SHIT FLOOD! What the fuck is your problem!" I squealed.
I stood up straight and looked at her "Look, I have about six months to go through the change." I complained "If my body doesn't reject it...if I don't die from it...I can come back to the mansion and we can forget all about this!"

"Actually, you can't," the woman whispered "in fact, while you go through the change from being a human, you'll have to stay around other adult vampyres like myself. And you'll have to feed occasionally...otherwise you'll die anyway."

I stared open mouthed at her. Was she serious? I wasn't gunna leave everyone behind, just so I could become a monster in peace.
"Look, I haven't got time for this...I have to go back the mansion three days from now!"

"Ugh fine...look, don't tell anybody I gave you this but..." She pulled a moon shaped amulet from one of the folds in her dress "Take this. It contains some power from our Goddess, we only give it to very special fledglings who have special reasons to be away from campus for long periods of time." She handed it to me, and I slung it over my neck.

"It radiates the same power us adult vamps possess and stops your body from automatically rejecting the should give you a month or two's grace." she shrugged
"By the way, my name's Zoey. Zoey Redbird" She smiled.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 2:52 am

"Now, you filthy vampire, get a load of me," Cloud growled and she soared down, shoving Alexis away. Flood checked his sat nav and looked at Alexis.

"Where are we going? The MansionView, right?" he asked.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 3:21 am

I bent down and picked up my cat,
"Well, I was hoping to go to Starbucks first, but sure...whatever."
I looked over at Zoey and smiled "Don't mind my friends. They're a little...yeah."
Harlee meeufowed and fell asleep instantly. I stroked her little head "Okay, lets go then..."
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 10:51 am

"Why are you being all buddy-buddy with her? The vampire research lab is so close to cracking a cure to this stupid thing!! It'll only take a few days to complete the cure!" Flood yelled, beginning to run. He grabbed Alexis' hand and ran, faster and faster, until he jumped into the air and they were standing in front of the MansionView.

Flood flashed his Mansion Pass in front of the Entrance Bot and it launched him over the wall, but he needed no assistance. He flipped right over the wall and dodged the Exit Bot. And he heard screaming, and without a moment's hesitation, he bolted into the PEF Mansion.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 6:58 pm

"O-ok," Th man said as he threw the cell keys to Rayne.
Rayne smirked at the man once more. "Your lucky this time," she said as she opened the cell from the inside.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 8:22 pm

"Let's get out of here, there's no use killing him, or maybe there is..." Fire insisted. Moon, who did not look so willing to go, stood there with a blank look in her eye.

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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 8:51 pm

Rayne pushed Fire towards the car. "Killing leads to death and death leads to bad karma," Rayne said as she smirked.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 11:24 pm

"Not if it's a cop," Fire said, sending fire towatrds the polise station once I got into the car. Fire grabbed Rayne and pulled her into the limo. Moon then drove off, back to the Pef Mansion.
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MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 3:12 am

Chaos was ensuing back at the Mansion. Flood and Terra were caught in the middle of a wrestling match and Askiera was standing there looking blank. Kumori was coughing up blood in the corner, so there was little she could do. Askiera then began walking off, with Silence. Then Silence suddenly backflipped right off Askiera's shoulders and breathed fire. Askiera screamed and rolled on the ground as the flames gathered around her. Silence then picked up air, aimed and lobbed the air. Askiera was picked up by a strange force then thrown into the wall.

Terra was unconscious now, after Flood's onslaught. Yet Flood was coughing up blood himself. And Kumori and Flood suddenly coughed at the same time. A hazy mist began surrounding the hall. Kumori stood up then collapsed. Flood spun around and fell over. Silence sighed.

"Fuck. Neither of them stand a chance against that level of mind control. AWW FUCK!!!" Silence screamed.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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