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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 23, 2011 5:36 pm

I finished tying the herbs together, before grabbing a the jeweled box that held the ceremonial athame and many other small daggers. I lifted the box into my shoulder bag and carried the smudge stick towards the door.
"Tokyo, could you put those candles on the table that Darius brings please? With them going deosil from the East, Yellow, Red, Blue and Green, with Purple in the middle please? Oh, and don't light them." I sighed, heading to my bedroom.

"And when you get down there, make sure to tell Amir to look for Kalona. Then you should come straight back to me. He'll know what to do" I giggled, before walking down to my bedroom.
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Peace Buyer
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 23, 2011 5:58 pm

He stood there... waiting patiently waiting for his next orders to come in from Alexis. "Why does she want me here rather than in her pants...?" he said pervertedly.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 2:15 am

"What do I care," Kumori grunted. "...although I can't believe nobody has figured out I wield the sword of Nyx..."

She looked at Sanate and picked it up, holding it in her usual way, her body slumped against the blade and her hand holding the hilt. But before Kumori knew it there was another greatsword in her face. With a sigh she shoved it out of her way.

"Yes, Leon, I know it's not a good way to hold it," Kumori sighed again. The overly ginger game character smiled and left.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 3:39 am

It was finally starting to get dark, and I could see that the people I had crowded under the trees had managed to light a few small bonfires for light and warmth around the clearing.
I helped Tokyo down the hill as we made our way over to everyone else, and as we finally reached sight of the cats and humans that had taken footing there, I heard a few hold their breath.
It was the first time I'd worn a dress around PEF before, and never one as beautiful as this either. Long and black, speckled with silver so as it looked much like the night sky above us. Tokyo was wearing something similar to mine but hers had straps and was a little shorter.
I told her quietly to go stand next to Amir, who himself was looking quite fancy thanks to Kalona.

Taking a few breathes to center myself, I stepped up to the table.
"Merry meet all" I said, loud enough so that everyone could hear me.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 12:48 pm

The night at the PEF Mansion wasn't very quiet, though. Askiera had the idea of shooting a movie, and Silence had produced the cameras. Flood baffled everyone with the fact he was a DIY guy, and made modifications to the cameras at Askiera's orders, and soon enough the film had started, they were deciding it was to be a documentary on the oddities of MPEF. The local health bot, who nobody really knew about, was named YourLocalDocBot216714 but nobody could be bothered saying that, so they called it Doc. Doc provided key information on Kumori (from the studies of Kumori's brain that Doc did a few months ago) and then Askiera decided Kumori would have to provide a talk on Sanate.

"Well, I'm not quite sure where Sanate came from but from the information she gave me, Sanate is in essence a female warrior inside a sword. The best part about it is that Sanate sometimes moves herself and assists me in battle. Apart from that, we don't know too much about Sanate."

The longest part by far was the insight into Silence, so they decided to cut off the filming for the day while the remaining PEFians and others decided it was better to go play a game. For hours on end they played basketball, completely being pwned by the illusion Bulk. Eventually they decided to split into two teams - one team consisting of Bulk, and the other team consisting of everyone else. Bulk won. Eventually the PEFians decided to wave Bulk off for the night and they decided to play a game of Energy Ball.

(This whole thing happened while you guys were preparing and up till the last post.)
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 7:31 pm

Doing as told, I walked over and stood beside Amir, keeping a small distance from him. Truthfully, I hated wearing this dress, but I could not seem to go anywhere without looking about as perfect as Aphrodite. I had even tried to mess up my hair, but nothing worked. Of course, I did get to put my hair into an updo instead in pigtails. Pigtails was not an option for me, it made me look like a damn farm girl.

"Kalona, I swear I will some day get revenge for this..." I looked up at the sky and scowled. I would rather be in my normal skinny jeans and black top with the green skull in the middle. Even my natural elf-ears were changed to normal ears. My elf effect was gone, but everyone whom did not get the Kalona effect still somehow liked my looks. No one at all liked my personality, yet I still, somehow, had friends.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 3:15 am

The night was still young. I could possibly make it from the bridge to Argahyll. But... it was some sort of WALK. I hated walking - why walk when you've got a set of jet black scales and huge black wings?! But something was happening in a forest close to the MansionView. I had to get there, at least, fly over, to get to Sanate. She was calling. Was Sanate seriously so interested in seeing the dragon she had as a human? Ah well. The less time I questioned my doings, the faster I could get there. And I would fly, it was a faster way. Walking would take a week to get to the MansionView. I raced across the bridge and leaped into the air, my wings pulling me upwards. The feel of the wind blasting in my face was as great as usual. I looked down below. There were a couple of people wearing fancy dresses. I flew over them with a roar to make an impression.


[Kumori Ahdglade]
I jumped in front of the goal and slammed the energy ball right back at Silence. She looked at it and it slammed into my chest. I yelled and slammed into the wall. I bounced back off and caught Flood's energy ball, chucking it at the other team's goal and scoring. Tsumi decided a Rocket Energy Ball would be good for an instant goal. She threw her palm and a dart of an energy ball rocketed through the air. Silence managed to make it spin around and come back at us. I grabbed it and lobbed it back. Alexandra caught it and launched it at the ground. It bounced up back at us and I bounced it back, scoring.


I flew over the hills and the mountains, and landed outside the mansion.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 4:20 am

"It is a night for joy, but you should know that the joy of this night isn't found only in the gifts that Nyx has so visibly allowed to manifest here" I smiled expressively,
"Some of tonights joy was in fact born just one day ago...well, you can probably guess what happened" I sighed.
I ushered Air, Fire, Water and Terra to their corresponding points in my circle, before handing them the candles. I picked up the ornate, ritualistic lighter and walked towards Air.

"I call the element Air first to our circle, and I ask that it guard us with the winds of insight. Join us tonight, Air."
I touched the flame to the yellow candle and it flared to life, even though Air and I were suddenly standing in the middle of a very obvious whirlwind that lifted our hair and sang playfully within the skirt of my dress. I then turned to my right and walked to the southern most part of the circle,

"I call the element Fire to our circle and ask that it burn brilliantly here with the light of might and passion, bringing both to guard and aid us. Join us tonight, Fire."
I started to touch the end of my lighter to the red candle Fire held, but before I even got there the wick burst into a flickering white light that lifted up well past the lip of the glass jar holding it. I saw Fire mumble an 'oopsie' as I headed over to the west of the circle, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling.

"I call Water to this circle, and ask that you guard us with your oceans of mystery and majesty, and nurture us as your rain does the grass and trees. Join us tonight Water."
I lit Waters blue candle, and it was the creepiest thing. I swear it was like I was suddenly transported to the shores of a lake. I could smell the water and feel it cool against my skin, even thought I knew I was standing in the middle of a forest clearing and was nowhere near a body of water.

I turned to my right and stepped over to Terra,
"Now I call Earth to this circle, and ask that you guard us all with the strength of stone and the richness of wheat-filled fields. Join us tonight Earth."
The green candle burned sweetly, and the clearing was filled with the scents of a meadow - surrounded by birdsong and flowers.

I heard many people gasp and saw them point at the faint silver line of light that joined the four personifications of the elements, as they made a boundary of power within the candles that had already lit the circumference.

I quickly moved back to the table at the center of the circle to complete the casting. I faced the purple candle that rested in the middle. I heard a few heavy wing beats behind me, and as I swung around I saw a huge black dragon. It roared before flying off again, and I turned back to the table.
"Finally, I call spirit to complete our circle, and to ask that you join us bringing insight and truth with you, so that the PEF community may be guarded by integrity. Join us tonight, Spirit."
I lit the candle. It blazed even brighter than Fire's, and the space around me was filled with the scents and sounds of the other four major elements. They filled me, too, making me feel strong, calming and steadying me, even as they energized me.

With steady hands I took up the braided length of dried white sage, eucalyptus and lavender. I lit the end alight with the spirit candle and let it burn for a while, and then waved it out so that the fragrant smoke billowed in waves around me. Then I faced towards Amir, and continued to smudge and cleanse him with the smoke. I went on to do Tokyokit next, going up her body at the front before finishing off while going down her back. I returned to the center of the circle and smudged myself, before finishing my short speech about that 'during the time of the full moon, the veil between the known and the unknown was thin and could even be lifted'.

I closed the ritual with thanking all of the elements personally and farewelling them,
"Thankyou all for being here tonight I guess...Merry meet, and merry part and merry meet again..." I sighed, before leaving the grove of trees and walking back up the hill to the mansion. I figured I could bring everything back up to the storeroom in the morning. And besides...I wanted to finish what me and Amir had started...
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 10:52 am

Kumori and the others were coming back in from the game of energy ball, all of them tired and exhausted, but they were waiting in the hall. Kumori and Tsumi sat on the railings. Silence sat by the fire.

I flew through the skies at the mental commands of my master Sanate and dropped by the people in the ritual. It was obvious they finished and I refrained from roaring.

"Need a lift?" I asked.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 12:33 am

I grunted at the beast and continued to trudge up the hill. I heard many of them sigh in relief and thank the creature, gratefully accepting the ride to save exhausting themselves before bedtime.
But I already had something that would probably have me panting and gasping for air later this evening ... well ... hopefully.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 2:52 am

I let the others climb onto me and I placed the other woman on my back, then soared through the skies. The experience of flying was quite odd if you'd never done it before. I soared back to MPEF and landed, letting everyone off.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 10:56 am

Having not taken the ride, I and the other elements walked back to MPEF.

I looked for Moon in the group of elements that went to their rooms, but she wasn't there. I waved to earth, whom liked to be called Terra, and walked to my room. Sadly, she wasn't there, either. I sighed, and took a short nap.

A quite cold girl exited the mall. She saw the stars glowing brightly. It was time. She released a shard of ice from her hands and Water came forward. "Hello, Water. Early much?" The girl turned to the place she had exited, the mall Air had been in.

"I'm early a lot, I know. Anyway, it's time to go pay Air a visit, Ice. you go through the back door and I will go through the window when I see you in there."

Nodding, Ice zipped over to Air's house. The light was on in only one room, otherwise it was pitch black in the house. Ice tip-toed around the house and slowly opened the back door. Air herself grabbed Ice's hand and laughed...
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 1:27 pm

(Have I ever mentioned that we don't give a fuck about the elements? Besides, other people would like to use them.)

Kumori said hello to everyone then she, Tsumi and Silence hit the sack. Kyiera stayed up, flicking through the pages of a spellbook. Bulk fizzed back into reality, looking a bit weaker than before. He whispered something to Silence then dissipated. But it was night. People should be asleep.Flood had zonked on the altar.
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 10:35 pm

(Kumori, they are my characters, I can do what I wish. And no, you may not use them.)

Ice's arm turned to complete ice, but she could do nothing to stop Air. Air was immortal yet strong. She was made completely of nothing, just breeze and junk.

"For years I have wondered how it would be to finally capture one of the elements. Now I would know for once. You, Ice, are the first. If Water even tries to save you, she, too, will be captured. No one would be sensable to save you two then. Not even Fire," Air laughed, and the two were teleported to an underground cave. The walls were reated by fire, so Ice could not get out at all...
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 3:11 am

(But please notice. Nobody gives a fuck what they do. Rolling Eyes And I was not asking to use them, little so-and-so, I was saying that OTHER people might like to use them. Other people, not me, not you.)
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PostSubject: Re: MPEF - THE RP   MPEF - THE RP - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 12, 2011 2:29 pm

Luna Marelle stared out into the window of her mansion - empty, as usual. She suddenly felt teleportation waves, and caught them. Then she took hold of the waves and teleported, into a cave of fire. She jogged through, then encountered two girls looking at each other. One was radiating malicious energy. Luna walked forwards.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" she screamed.
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